True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

Maths.h File Reference

Detailed Description

General maths functions and constants.

#include "Types.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "Debug.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  TA


float TAC_CALL  TA::Fabs (float fValue)
int TAC_CALL  TA::Abs (int nValue)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Sign (float fValue)
bool TAC_CALL  TA::SignsEqual (float fA, float fB)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Sqrt (float fValue)
float TAC_CALL  TA::ReciprocalSqrt (float fValue)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Pow (float fValue, float fExponent)
float  TA::Pow2 (float fX)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Sin (float fAngle)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Cos (float fAngle)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Tan (float fAngle)
void TAC_CALL  TA::SinAndCos (float fAngle, float &fSin, float &fCos)
float TAC_CALL  TA::ATan2 (float fY, float fX)
float TAC_CALL  TA::ACos (float fValue)
float TAC_CALL  TA::FMod (float fValue, float fMod)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Exp (float fValue)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Log (float fValue)
bool TAC_CALL  TA::IsEqualToOneWithInError (float fValue)
void TAC_CALL  TA::Clamp (float &fValue, float const fMin, const float fMax)
void TAC_CALL  TA::Clamp (int &nValue, const int nMin, int const nMax)
void TAC_CALL  TA::ClampPosNeg (float &fValue, float fPositive)
void TAC_CALL  TA::WrapAngle (float &fValue)
int TAC_CALL  TA::FastFloatToInt (float fValue)
bool TAC_CALL  TA::FloatIsOK (float fValue)
float TAC_CALL  TA::FastMin (float fA, float fB)
float TAC_CALL  TA::FastMax (float fA, float fB)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Min (float fA, float fB)
float TAC_CALL  TA::Max (float fA, float fB)
void TAC_CALL  TA::ClampIfLessThen (float &fValue, float fClampTo)
void TAC_CALL  TA::ClampIfGreaterThen (float &fValue, float fClampTo)
template<class Type>
void TAC_CALL  TA::Swap (Type &a, Type &b)
const float  TA::k_fPi = 3.14159f
const float  TA::k_fMaxFloat = FLT_MAX
const float  TA::k_fMinFloat = FLT_MIN

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