True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

void TA::PhysicsJoint::SetBreakForce (
float   fBreakForce  ) [inline]

Call this function to set the amount of force that will cause this joint to break. This value is set to 0.0 by default, which means, if the joint is set to be breakable, it will break at the first movement.

Use TA::PhysicsJoint::SetBreakable (true) to flag a joint as breakable.

Use TA::PhysicsJoint::IsBroken() to test if a joint has been broken. A broken joint will no longer constrain the objects it was created to link together.

TA::Physics::SetOnBrokenJointCallBack can be used to provide a function to be called during TA::Physics::Update when a joint breaks.

See also:
TA::PhysicsJoint::SetBroken and

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