True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

void TA::Physics::SetPostProcessCollisionCallBack (
PostProcessCollisionCallBack   pFnPostProcessCollision  ) [inline]

Call this function to the the preprocess collision call back.

The function provided by the user through this method will be called for each collision that occurs, after its affects have been applied to the simulation. The effect of strength of the collision can be found from collision.fImpulse. All the other parameters of the collision are also available through this interface.

Users can modify or ignore collisions before they are applied with the pre-collision call back. See TA::Physics::SetPreProcessCollisionCallBack.

Example use
Defining the function.
    void TA_CALL_BACK PostProcessCollision(TA::Collision& collision)
Setting the function.
See also:
TA::Physics::GetPostProcessCollisionCallBack() and TA::Physics::PostProcessCollisionCallBack.

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