True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

void TA::PhysicsJoint::InitialiseEulerConstraintEx (
const Vec3 &   v3LocalPosOnA,
const Vec3 &   v3LocalPosOnB,
const Mat33 &   m33JointOrientation,
const Mat33 &   m33DefaultRotationA,
const Mat33 &   m33DefaultRotationB,
const EulerAngles &   minAngles,
const EulerAngles &   maxAngles

This is an extended version of the function InitialiseEulerConstraint.

Call this function to initialise the joint as an Euler Angle Constraint. This type of joint, joins two objects at one location, and constrains their relative rotation using minimum and maximum euler angles. This provides a flexible method for creating different types of joints however, gimbal lock can sometimes be a problem.

To create a joint, use TA::DynamicObject::AddJoint.
The position on Object A where the joint is attached, specified in local space to Object A.
The position on Object B where the joint is attached, specified in local space to Object B.
The initial orientation of the joint, specified in world space. The euler angle constraints work in the space specified by this orientation.
Used as the orientation of Object A when using m33JointOrientation to calculate the joints default orientation in relation to Object A.
Used as the orientation of Object B when using m33JointOrientation to calculate the joints default orientation in relation to Object B.
The minimum euler angle constraints. To ignore a constraint use the floating point value TA::JOINT_LIMIT_DISABLED.
The maximum euler angle constraints. To ignore a constraint use the floating point value TA::JOINT_LIMIT_DISABLED.

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