True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

TA::PhysicsRender Class Reference

#include "TA/Physics/PhysicsRender.h"

Detailed Description

Debug render functions.

The True Axis Physics SDK provides the ability to render collision objects and collisions for the purpose of debugging. This can be achieved by use of the functions TA::Physics::Render and TA::Physics::SetRenderCollisionsEnabled. This class provides the interface that those functions use to render is debugging information.

To remain independent of 3D graphics APIs, it is necessary for the user to provide there own rendering functions. This class provides the interface for doing that through the use of call backs. The user can set there own call backs though the functions TA::PhysicsRender::SetRenderLineCallback, TA::PhysicsRender::SetRenderArrowCallback and TA::PhysicsRender::SetRenderPolygonCallback.

Public Types

typedef void(TAC_CALL *  RenderLineCallBack )(const Vec3 &v3PosA, const Vec3 &v3PosB, u32 nColour)
typedef void(TAC_CALL *  RenderArrowCallBack )(const Vec3 &v3Pos, const Vec3 &v3Vector, u32 nColour)
typedef void(TAC_CALL *  RenderPolygonCallBack )(int nNumVertices, const Vec3 *pv3VertexList, const Vec3 *pv3NormalList)

Static Public Member Functions

static void TAC_CALL  RenderLine (const Vec3 &v3PosA, const Vec3 &v3PosB, u32 nColour=0xFFFFFFFF)
static void TAC_CALL  RenderArrow (const Vec3 &v3Pos, const Vec3 &v3Vector, u32 nColour=0xFFFFFFFF)
static void TAC_CALL  RenderPolygon (int nNumVertices, const Vec3 *pv3VertexList, const Vec3 *pv3NormalList)
static void TAC_CALL  SetRenderLineCallback (RenderLineCallBack pRenderLineCallBack)
static void TAC_CALL  SetRenderArrowCallback (RenderArrowCallBack pRenderArrowCallBack)
static void TAC_CALL  SetRenderPolygonCallback (RenderPolygonCallBack pRenderPolygonCallBack)
static void TAC_CALL  PhysicsRender::RenderBox (const MFrame &mFrame, const Vec3 &v3Center, const Vec3 &v3Extent, u32 nColour)

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