True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

void TA::Physics::SetSpacialDivisionMinSize (
float   fSpacialDivisionMinSize  )

Call this function to set the minimum size that space will be sub divided into for collision culling. See TA::Physics::SetSpacialDivisionType for info on spacial sub division.

The default value is 1.0f.

The new minimum spacial division size.
See Also:
TA::Physics::GetSpacialDivisionMinSize, TA::Physics::SetSpacialDivisionType and
If a grid spacial division type is used, any objects larger then the value set here will not fit in the grid causing performance penalties. It is recommended to choose a grid size several times bigger then typical larger sized dynamic object added to the simulation by the user.

For collision grids, if the size requires that more memory be allocated then specified by a call to Ta::Physics::SetSpacialDivisionMaxMemory, the smallest spacial division size will be automatically increased.

Any changes to this value will not be made effective until a call to TA::Physics::SetupSimulation. Note that SetupSimulation is automatically called from TA::Physics::Update, TA::Physics::AddDynamicObject and TA::Physics::AddStaticObject. Calling TA::Physics::SetupSimulation may result memory reallocation and large processor overhead. Changing this value frequently will result in performance loss.

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