True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

TA::CollisionObjectCylinder Class Reference

#include "TA/Physics/CollisionObjectCylinder.h"

Inheritance diagram for TA::CollisionObjectCylinder:

Inheritance graph

Detailed Description

An cylinder implementation of TA::CollisionObjectSimple.

Call the static function TA::CollisionObjectCylinder::CreateNew to create a new instance of this class.

This class implements a cylinder collision object.


Cylinder Diagram

A cylinder is an implementations of TA::CollisionObjectSimple. Objects of this type can be combined to make a combo collision object. See TA::CollisionObjectCombo::AddCollisionObject.

This class may be saved an loaded to file or memory using these functions inherited from TA::CollisionObject :

Reference Counting:
This class is reference counted. After the object is created it will have a reference count of one. AddRef() and Release() can be called to increment and decrement the reference count. If the reference count is zero after a call to Release() the object will be automatically deleted. Reference counted objects should only be created using new.

Public Member Functions

void  Initialise (const Vec3 &v3PointA, const Vec3 &v3PointB, float fRadius)
void  Finalise ()
bool  Serialisable () const
void  Render (const MFrame &mFrame)
AABB  CalculateBoundingBox () const
void  CalculateMass (float fDensity, float &fMass, Vec3 &v3CenterOfMass, Mat33 &m33Inertia) const
const Vec3 &  GetPointA () const
const Vec3 &  GetPointB () const
float  GetRadius () const
virtual bool  TestLineForCollision (const Vec3 &v3Start, const Vec3 &v3Normal, float fLength, Collision &collision) const
void  Serialise (Serialiser &serialiser, const Version &version)

Static Public Member Functions

static CollisionObjectCylinder
CreateNew ()

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