True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

TA::DynamicObjectCar Class Reference

#include "TA/Physics/DynamicObjectCar.h"

Inheritance diagram for TA::DynamicObjectCar:

Inheritance graph

Detailed Description

A car implementation of TA::DynamicObject.

Call the static function TA::DynamicObject::CreateNew to create a new instance of this class.

This class provides a simple implementation of vehicle simulation. Depending on how the parameters are set up, a DynamicObjectCar can either provide a realistic feeling simulation or an easy to drive 'arcady' feel. An interface is also provided for advanced users to replace tire force and engine torque calculations for more control over the simulation.

The default parameters are set so that the a car should handle reasonably well before the user starts changing parameters. Things such as wheel positions and car weight and shape can have a large impact. It is recommend the user uses the driving demo code from the True Axis Physics Demos as a starting point for tuning car handling.

A DynamicObjectCar must be initialised using a TA::CarTemplate object. See TA::DynamicObjectCar::Initialise.

Reference Counting:
This class is reference counted. After the object is created it will have a reference count of one. AddRef() and Release() can be called to increment and decrement the reference count. If the reference count is zero after a call to Release() the object will be automatically deleted. Reference counted objects should only be created using new.

Public Types

enum  WheelFlag {

Public Member Functions

void  Initialise (CarTemplate *pCarTemplate)
void  Initialise (const Char *szFileName)
void  Finalise ()
virtual void  Update (float fDt)
void  ClearControls ()
void  UpdateControls (float fSteeringAngle, float fAccelerator, float fBrake, float fHandBrake, float fSteeringHelp, float fTractionControl, int nGear=-1)
float  GetRPM () const
int  GetGear () const
int  GetNumGears () const
float  GetCarSpeedFromWheels ()
void  SetTorqueMultiplier (float fTorqueMultiplier)
float  GetTorqueMultiplier () const
void  SetAntiRollFudge (float fAntiRollFudge)
float  GetAntiRollFudge () const
const Wheel &  GetWheel (int nIndex) const
Wheel &  GetWheel (int nIndex)
int  GetNumWheels () const
void  SetOrientation (const Vec3 &v3Forward, const Vec3 &v3Up)
const Vec3 &  GetForward () const
const Vec3 &  GetUp () const

Static Public Member Functions

static DynamicObjectCar *TAC_CALL  CreateNew ()

Data Structures

class  Wheel
 Contains the state and properties of a car's wheels. More...

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