True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

void TAC_CALL TA::Physics::CreateInstance (  ) [static]

Call this function to create and initialise an instance of the class TA::Physics. TA::Physics::GetInstance() can then be used to access the created instance. TA::Physics::DestroyInstance() should be called when done. Call TA::Physics::GetInstance() to retrieve a pointer to the created instance.

After calling TA::Physics::GetInstance(), the user can change the default the settings of the physics simulation with the following functions:

Calling TA::Physics::SetupSimulation will then initialise the TA::Physics with these settings. At this point, all internal memory will be allocated and setup. These parameters can be changed at any time outside a call to TA::Physics::Update, however, this will necessitate a further call to SetupSimulation to reallocate internal data structures.
SetupSimulation is also automatically called from TA::Physics::Update, TA::Physics::AddDynamicObject and TA::Physics::AddStaticObject.
Other functions that affect properties of the simulation include:

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