True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

TA::CollisionObjectAABBMesh Class Reference

#include "TA/Physics/CollisionObjectAABBMesh.h"

Inheritance diagram for TA::CollisionObjectAABBMesh:

Inheritance graph

Detailed Description

An implementation of TA::CollisionObjectComplex.

Call the static function TA::CollisionObjectAABBMesh::CreateNew to create a new instance of this class.

This class provides a standard implementation of TA::CollisionObjectComplex using an Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree. It has an O(log n) performance, and takes up O(n) space.

An TA::CollisionObjectAABBMesh can be added to the physics simulation using an TA::StaticObject.

This class may be saved an loaded to file or memory using these functions inherited from TA::CollisionObject :

Reference Counting:
This class is reference counted. After the object is created it will have a reference count of one. AddRef() and Release() can be called to increment and decrement the reference count. If the reference count is zero after a call to Release() the object will be automatically deleted. Reference counted objects should only be created using new.


Public Member Functions

void  Initialise (int nNumVertices, int nNumPolygons, int nNumPolygonIndices)
void  Finalise ()
virtual bool  Serialisable () const
void  Render ()
void  AddVertex (const Vec3 &v3Pos)
void  AddPolygon (int nNumVertices, const int *pnIndexList, u32 nAttribute=0x0)
void  FinishedAddingGeometry ()
const Data *  GetData () const
bool  TestLineForCollision (const Vec3 &v3Start, const Vec3 &v3Normal, float fLength, Collision &collision) const
void  CachedLocalPolygons (CollisionObjectCachedPolyData &cachedPolyData, const AABB &aabb, void *pDynamicObjectUserData) const
virtual const AABB &  GetAABB () const
void  Serialise (Serialiser &serialiser, const Version &version)

Static Public Member Functions

static CollisionObjectAABBMesh
CreateNew ()

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