True Axis Physics SDK Beta Documentation

How to use the True Axis Physics SDK


Contents of the library.

The True Axis Physics SDK is in two pieces, Physics and Common The common library contains maths, vector, matrix, list, file and other functions used by the physics library. The include directories for the two libraries are "TA/Physics" and "TA/Common".

How to install.

Sorry, Not yet documented.

How to create a new physics simulation.

Creating and managing a physics simulation is done though the class TA::Physics. See the documentation for that class for a description on how to use it as well as Examples.

How to add objects to the simulation.

See TA::StaticObject and TA::DynamicObject for information on how to create and add objects to the physics simulation. These objects must be added to the simulation using the class TA::Physics. TA::DynamicObject should be used for all physically interactive objects. TA::StaticObject is provided for the representation of the static scenery.

How to create collision geometry.

Collision objects can be spit into two groups: Static objects can collide with dynamic objects but not other static objects. Dynamic objects can collide with both other dynamic objects and static objects. All collision objects inherit from TA::CollisionObject.

How to create collision geometry.

The physics library makes extensive use of matrix and vector data structures. More information about using these can be found here.

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